Sunday, 23 June 2013

terrible tarantulas

today i am taking about the tarantula. to start off tarantula is a arachnid. an arachnid means it has eight legs. as you might know, all spiders are arachnids. the tarantula is probably one of the biggest spiders as well. the next part is about where the tarantulas live. the tarantulas are found in South America and some species in Mexico such as the red knee tarantula. the tarantulas habitats that they are in are usually are in deserts or scrub forests. the tarantula also burrows and lives in dens. and will not be seen in rocky mountain areas. as you might know their are many types of tarantulas. the one at the top (also the most common) is the red knee tarantula. the red knee tarantula is called this because of the orange red like bands every where across its body. this tarantula is also known (i don't know why ) for its hairy body. the red kneed tarantula scientific name is Brachypelma Smithi. the next part about is their diet. the tarantula is a carnivore. it feeds on mainly insects small mammals and small reptiles. the way the tarantula kills its prey is vile and disgusting. like the king cobra, the tarantula has a poisonous venom. but the taranulas venom has different symptoms. when the animal is stunned its insides slowly disolve into a liquid . the tarantula then would as you could say drink the animals insides out and then look for more prey. now that we have talked about what they eat, how about we talk about what eats them. allot of animals eat the tarantula. if the animal eats the tarantula without getting bitten it is fine because the tarantuls venom is only piosonous if it enters the animals blood stream. the next thing and last is just cool facts about the tarantula. to start of it is solitary meaning it does not live in groups of tarantula.they live 20 to 30 years grow slow they can run 18 miles per hour and finally can grow up to 4 to 7 inches. thank you for listening. please leave comments suggestions and spread the word. also if you have any questions please ask. the next animal is a mammoth. thank you for reading :). i will not be doing any more until it is school time or at the end of August.

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