Wednesday 22 May 2013

the killer Goliath tiger fish

the last one of today is the Goliath tiger fish.  the Goliath tiger fish is about 5 feet long and weighs around 154 pounds! the Goliath tiger fish is sort of a tan at the top and a silver on its stomach.  as you see the Goliath tiger fish has really big and sharp teeth. the Goliath tiger fish has 32 teeth  and is known to kill crocodiles, giant fish, and even allot of people. the Goliath tiger fish lives in rivers in Africa. surprisingly this is a fresh water fish. the Goliath tiger fish has a double hinged in its jaw which means that it can open its mouth twice as wide and quickly kill something like a human. the Goliath tiger fish has good eyesight it uses for hunting but is slow at swimming. its weak fins make it hard for the Goliath tiger fish to move its huge heavy body. but if there is no currents and the water is calm this thing can swim very fast. these things are predators and can eat up to the size of a 60 pound catfish. no one is sure but in captivity the longest they can live is 10 to 15 years. from what i know this fish has no predators. that is all for today but tomorrow i am doing the snake-head so please leave comments suggestions and spread the word about my blog. please come back and thank you for reading. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, wouldn't want to come across one of these scary monsters! - mum
