Today i am going to talk about the pacu. a pacu is a huge vegetarian and eats seaweed and other freshwater plants.the pacu is also related to the piranha. the pacu can grow up to 3 feet and weight 55 pounds. the pacu lives in south America and Papua new Guinea.but it also lives a few places were it doesn't belong. the main place the pacu now lives is the african rivers. this fish was actually introduced to the place` as a way to give africans a bigger supply of food. but it went entirley wrong. first the pacu ate every plant it could there.because of this the animals houses and dens were destroyed and had no place to live. then the pacu had run out of foodand had to find another source of food to eat. MEAT. the pacu actually started to eat humans. the pacus teeth is like humans teeth so they can grip a persons leg or arm and easily drag them under water. so just because a big fish was moved to another continent, it ruined the whole enviroment there. as you see you should never bring or introduce a new animal. pacus and snakheads are two examples of why you should never do this. thank younfor reading. please leave comments suggestions and please spread the word to other people. I hope you liked it and tomorrow I am doing the chinchilla. I hope you learned allot. :)
Friday, 24 May 2013
perposterous pacu
Today i am going to talk about the pacu. a pacu is a huge vegetarian and eats seaweed and other freshwater plants.the pacu is also related to the piranha. the pacu can grow up to 3 feet and weight 55 pounds. the pacu lives in south America and Papua new Guinea.but it also lives a few places were it doesn't belong. the main place the pacu now lives is the african rivers. this fish was actually introduced to the place` as a way to give africans a bigger supply of food. but it went entirley wrong. first the pacu ate every plant it could there.because of this the animals houses and dens were destroyed and had no place to live. then the pacu had run out of foodand had to find another source of food to eat. MEAT. the pacu actually started to eat humans. the pacus teeth is like humans teeth so they can grip a persons leg or arm and easily drag them under water. so just because a big fish was moved to another continent, it ruined the whole enviroment there. as you see you should never bring or introduce a new animal. pacus and snakheads are two examples of why you should never do this. thank younfor reading. please leave comments suggestions and please spread the word to other people. I hope you liked it and tomorrow I am doing the chinchilla. I hope you learned allot. :)
Thursday, 23 May 2013
killer snakeheads
today i am going to talk about the killer snakehead. to start of the snakehead is a type fish that lives in fresh water. as you can see the snakehead is long and looks allot like a snake. this is why they call it a snakehead. Another reason it is called a snakehead is because of its eating habits. snakeheads are meat eaters and are even know to eat humans. the snakehead lives in north america, asia, and africa. the snakehead is one of the most deadliest fish in rivers in my opinion. some people think to just stay out of the water and they will be safe. it is different with snakeheads. the thing about snakeheads is that they can go onto land. this is aother reason they are called snakeheads. the slither and move around on the land. their lungs are developed so they can breath in the water and breath on land. these things are so deadly they were on the news.this is a reason they are everwhere. they used to just be in africa and asia but some dude brung ont to north america which is a bad thing to do. there is two ways they can spread across continents easily. one way is that without a male, the female snakehead can lay 10,000 eggs a month!!!! the other reason is since snakeheads can move quickly on the land, they can move into other rivers and breed there. so even if it is one female, if it is not caught there will be too much to catch. there are many types of snakeheads. the one in the oicture is the biggest snakehead, the king snakehead. the most common snakehead is the bullseye snakehead. the bullseyes snakehead is called that because on it's tail it has an eye on it. that is the end but tomorrow i am writing abou the pacu. please leave comments and suggestions.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
the killer Goliath tiger fish
the last one of today is the Goliath tiger fish. the Goliath tiger fish is about 5 feet long and weighs around 154 pounds! the Goliath tiger fish is sort of a tan at the top and a silver on its stomach. as you see the Goliath tiger fish has really big and sharp teeth. the Goliath tiger fish has 32 teeth and is known to kill crocodiles, giant fish, and even allot of people. the Goliath tiger fish lives in rivers in Africa. surprisingly this is a fresh water fish. the Goliath tiger fish has a double hinged in its jaw which means that it can open its mouth twice as wide and quickly kill something like a human. the Goliath tiger fish has good eyesight it uses for hunting but is slow at swimming. its weak fins make it hard for the Goliath tiger fish to move its huge heavy body. but if there is no currents and the water is calm this thing can swim very fast. these things are predators and can eat up to the size of a 60 pound catfish. no one is sure but in captivity the longest they can live is 10 to 15 years. from what i know this fish has no predators. that is all for today but tomorrow i am doing the snake-head so please leave comments suggestions and spread the word about my blog. please come back and thank you for reading. :)
The Dumbo Octopus
the next animal today is the dumbo octopus.the dumbo octopus lives in the ocean about 3,00 to 4,00 meters deep. the dumbo octopus is a carnivore and eat small crustaceans and small things on the ocean bed. the dumbo octopus swallows its food whole. the dumbo octopus us called what it is because of the big fins on its head. most people think it is their ears but it s not. the dumbo octopus uses its top fins to swim around in the deep ocean. the largest dumbo octopus was 6 feet and weighed 13 pounds. the female octopus like all octopus lays the eggs. dumbo octopuses biggest predator id the sharks that live around it. the difference from a male and female is the females tentacles are all the same but the male has two tentacles bigger than the rest used for mating. there are 37 species of the dumbo octopus. another thing is that the dumbo octopus does not squirt ink like other octopus it just swims away.the next animal i the Goliath tiger fish.
Luna moths
today i am doing three animals because i have not done it for two days my first animal is the Luna moth. to start of the Luna moth has a wingspan of 14 inches. the Luna moth also has two sets of wings two at the front two two at the back. as you can see the Luna moth has a pale green wings with brown spots that sort of look like eyes. these "eyes" are used to scare away its predators the eyes confuse the predator so it leaves. it also blends in or the real word is to camouflage. the Luna moth camouflages with leaves on the tree. when the Luna moth cameo's, it spreads its wings out so you can not see its white body or its pinkish legs. the Luna moth is also nocturnal. of course it eats leaves because it is a moth. well mos tpeople think that but the Luna moth doesn't eat at all it doesn't even have a mouth. they only live a week in that week the Luna moth has to mate. when the female mates she lays 200 eggs on a tree the main tree they lay their eggs on is a black walnut tree leaves. the caterpillar eats but then goes into a cocoon and pupates. when the Luna moth has its wings it can't even use them. it hangs upside down so the blood flows into its wings and then at night the Luna moth flies of to find a mate. the maleand the female can be told apart because the male has bushier intenas than the females. luuna moths are found in all of north americs but are endangered in most of the areas. the last thing is a really cool fact that scientist can not explain. when a moth and butterfly pupate. there entire DNA changes. the next one is the dumbo octopus.
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Strange Skunks
Skunks are one of the cute but exotic animals that I love. To start of, the skunk is a mammal and is carnivorous. the skunk is nocturnal so it is more active in the afternoon and night then in the mornings and most the day time. the skunk is found in the us. Canada Greenland. all of Asia and Australia's islands and parts of south America. Lets just say to say this animal is cute is a misunderstanding, ITS ADORABLE. There are eleven species of skunks. the most known is the striped skunk. the others are the spotted, hog nosed and a few others i can't remember. instead of talking about baby last today i will start with them and as they grow up. the baby's mother will always keep the baby's in the den in a small hole in the tree (on the ground) or other places. the baby will depend on its mother to feed it for some time until it can develop the way to stay away from predators by spraying them. when the baby's are older they will come out in the after noon and find things to eat (eggs on the ground, leaves,shrubs) the skunk will look for food all night until it is day again and then will crawl into its den and go to sleep. if a predator tries to eat the skunk the skunk will make himself look big and be ready to attack/spray the predator ifit does not go away. the skunks spray can temporarily blind an animal. when the skunk is old enough he or she will mate and then the cycle will start all over again. except if winter comes harshley. skunks like many animals hibernate in the winter. but unlike other animals on the first few days of winter the skunk will stay outdoors and eats as much as they can. skunks are also very generous. they will share their homes with other skunks for the winter that do not yet have a home. thank you for listening. please leave comments, suggestions, and next time will be luna moths also please spread the word about my website. thank you :)
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Weird wallaroos
The next one is the Wallaroo. to start of the wallaroo is another marsupial. you can not see the pouch on the picture because the wallaroo this is a baby one. a wallaroo is related to the kangaroo and the wallaby. it is about 55-80 centimeter's which is about the size of the kangaroo. the wallaroo is one of the largest marsupials. the wallaroo came to the earth around 4-5 million years ago. the wallaroos are found in Australia but not on any islands there like Tasmania. the wallaroo is a vegetarian so it eats shrubs and other leaves and grass ( grazer). a wallaroo lives on small mountains or slopes. the wallaroo weights about 10-22 kilos. the wallaroo has no natural enemy's as an adult but as a joey dingoes, wild dogs, and feral foxes and cats are all predators. the wallaroos nose and eyes are both good and are used to find food. the ears are good as a joey and mother to listen for its babies predators approaching. if the mother is with the child he/she is protected. the wallaroo has strong limbs that it will use to kick its predators and will badly wound them. when a baby is born it will stay in its mothers pouch for a really long time (depending on the kind of wallaroo. there are four types of wallaroos. these are the black, euro, eastern, and the common wallaroo. thank you for listening please leave comments,suggestions and please share my website to anyone you know. thank you:)
Friday, 17 May 2013
Terrific Tasmania devils
As someone suggested, today i am doing the Tasmanian devil. to start of the Tasmanian devil is not a mammal like most people think. the Tasmanian devil is actually a marsupial. Its pouch is located at the bottom of its stomach so most people do not see it and draw a conclusion that its a mammal. the Tasmanian devil is a scavenger. a scavenger means it eats meat but it does not hunt but eats off of carcases that other animals killed. or the Tasmanian devil eats wounded animals. so basically they will eat any meat as long as it is wounded or already dead.the Tasmanian devil is are only found in Tasmania. they used to be in the rest of Australia but are now extinct because of poachers and because they eat carcases on the road and they get hit all the time. so If you go to Tasmania of the coast of Australia that is the only place you will find Tasmanian devil. now i will talk about the body itself. to start i will talk about the jaw. the Tasmanian devil muscles in their jaw are so strong they could easily crush through an animals bone. the next part is its size. the Tasmanian is very small it can only be about 52-80 centimetres! the next part is its age. the Tasmanian devil can live to about/around 8 years old. the next part is the eyes and ears and noses. the eyes of Tasmanian devil are not that strong but they use their strong hearing and smell to find all their carcasses.the next part is their feet. the front feet have five toes while the two back ones only have four. this helps them run fast. they can run fast for their size but they can only run10 clicks an hour. the last two parts are the tail and fur. the tail 23-30 centimetres and is about the size of its body. the fur is very thin because it lives in warm places so it has to stay cool. the last part is the mating. The mating season is in march to April and they have 2-4 babies every year. the baby will live in it mothers pouch till it is almost one and then it will stay with its mother for two more years. after that the baby leave and is on its own from now on. thank you for reading. Please post comments and suggestions and please come back tomorrow to read about a walaroo.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
peculiar platypuses
The second animal on my blog is the platypus. to start of the platypus is another monotremata. the platypus is an omnivore but has a diet of seaweed and fish. the platypus lives in eastern Australia including Tasmania. the platypus as you can see is completely covered in fur. this fur is to keep the platypus warm and dry when he/she is swimming in lakes or other body's of water.the next part is the platypuses eyes. the eyes of a platypus is specially made for them to see under the water. the next part is the nose. the platypus uses his/her nose to smell/seek out their prey. the next is the webbed feet. the webbed feet help the platypuses push through the water. another part is the tail. The tail is long and flat and helps the platypus turn quickly in the water by pushing on the water and it turns their entire body. the next to last part (penultimate) is the beak the beak is used to grab and hold their food/prey. the last part is their pouch they use it to hold the baby. now about the mating. the mating season is spring and the females lay 3 eggs a year. the baby's live on land until they fully developed swimming skills. When they can swim they start to live on their own. thank you for reading. post comment ideas and anything you think i should add. tomorrow is the Tasmanian devil
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Exotic Echidnas!
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