Sunday 19 May 2013

Strange Skunks

 Skunks are one of the cute but exotic animals that I love. To start of, the skunk is a mammal and is carnivorous. the skunk is nocturnal so it is more active in the afternoon and night then in the mornings and most the day time. the skunk is found in the us. Canada Greenland. all of Asia and Australia's islands and parts of south America. Lets just say to say this animal is cute is a misunderstanding, ITS ADORABLE. There are eleven species of skunks. the most known is the striped skunk. the others are the spotted, hog nosed and a few others i can't remember. instead of talking about baby last today i will start with them and as they grow up. the baby's mother will always keep the baby's in the den in a small hole in the tree (on the ground) or other places. the baby will depend on its mother to feed it for some time until it can develop the way to stay away from predators by spraying them. when the baby's are older they will come out in the after noon  and find things to eat (eggs on the ground, leaves,shrubs) the skunk will look for food all night until it is day again and then will crawl into its den and go to sleep. if a predator tries to eat the skunk the skunk will make himself look big and be ready to attack/spray the predator ifit does not go away. the skunks spray can temporarily blind an animal. when the skunk is old enough he or she will mate and then the cycle will start all over again. except if winter comes harshley. skunks like many animals hibernate in the winter. but unlike other animals on the first few days of winter the skunk will stay outdoors and eats as much as they can. skunks are also very generous. they will share their homes with other skunks for the winter that do not yet have a home. thank you for listening. please leave comments, suggestions, and next time will be luna moths also please spread the word about my website. thank you :)


  1. You're right, skunks are very cute! I didn't know they shared their den with other skunks, how nice of them :). From mum x

  2. Now I know why I smelled a skunk this past winter. It was the first time i smelled one during the winter. Thanks for all the information. I really enjoyed reading it.
