Thursday 16 May 2013

peculiar platypuses

        The second animal on my blog is the platypus. to start of the platypus is another monotremata. the platypus is an omnivore but has a diet of seaweed and fish. the platypus lives in eastern Australia including Tasmania. the platypus as you can see is completely covered in fur. this fur is to keep the platypus warm and dry when he/she is swimming in lakes or other body's of water.the next part is the platypuses eyes. the eyes of a platypus is specially made for them to see under the water. the next part is the nose. the platypus uses his/her nose to smell/seek out their prey. the next is the webbed feet. the webbed feet help the platypuses  push through the water. another part is the tail. The tail is long and flat and helps the platypus turn quickly in the water by pushing on the water and it turns their entire body. the next to last part (penultimate) is the beak the beak is used to grab and hold their food/prey. the last part is their pouch they use it to hold the baby. now about the mating. the mating season is spring and the females lay 3 eggs a year. the baby's live on land until they fully developed swimming skills. When they can swim they start to live on their own. thank you for reading. post comment ideas and anything you think i should add. tomorrow is the Tasmanian devil


  1. The picture is so sweet and it was a very informative article!! Here are some animals i would like to see:

    Naked mole rat
    Star nosed mole
    Dumbo octopus
    Pink fairy armadillo

    Love, mum xx
