Friday 17 May 2013

Terrific Tasmania devils

     As someone suggested, today i am doing the Tasmanian devil. to start of the Tasmanian devil is not a mammal like most people think. the Tasmanian devil is actually a marsupial. Its pouch is located at the bottom of its stomach so most people do not see it and draw a conclusion that its a mammal. the Tasmanian devil is a scavenger. a scavenger means it eats meat but it does not hunt but eats off of carcases that other animals killed. or the Tasmanian devil eats wounded animals. so basically they will eat any meat as long as it is wounded or already dead.the Tasmanian devil is are only found in Tasmania. they used to be in the rest of Australia but are now extinct because of poachers and because they eat carcases on the road and they get hit all the time. so If you go to Tasmania of the coast of Australia that is the only place you will find Tasmanian devil. now i will talk about the body itself. to start i will talk about the jaw. the Tasmanian devil  muscles  in their jaw are so strong they could easily crush through an animals bone. the next part is its size. the Tasmanian is very small it can only be about 52-80 centimetres!  the next part is its age. the Tasmanian devil can live to about/around 8 years old. the next part is the eyes and ears and noses. the eyes of  Tasmanian devil are not that strong but they use their strong hearing and smell to find all their carcasses.the next part is their feet. the front feet have five toes while the two back ones only have four. this helps them run fast. they can run fast for their size but they can only run10 clicks an hour. the last two parts are the tail and fur. the tail 23-30 centimetres and is about the size of its body. the fur is very thin because it lives in warm places so it has to stay cool. the last part is the mating. The mating season is in march to April and they have 2-4 babies every year. the baby will live in it mothers pouch till it is almost one and then it will stay with its mother for two more years. after that the baby leave and is on its own from now on. thank you for reading. Please post comments and suggestions and please come back tomorrow  to read about a walaroo.

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