Monday 3 June 2013

outstanding otters

the otter is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to start of an otter is actually part of the weasel family. if you look at it it kind of does look like a swimming weasel. anyway the sea otter eats mussels clams and other mollusks under at the bottom of the sea. the otters collect mollusks, and rocks then swim back up to the surface and lay on their backs. the sea otters usually bangs on the mollusks shell to pry it open then the eat the squishy and gross inside. the next thing is as you know the sea otter lives in the sea. the next thing is about their children. the babies are very small but swim as soon as they are born (because they are born in the sea), the cute part about the baby sea otters is when they sleep. to make sure none of them float away when sleeping, the either wrap themselves in seaweed or hold each others hands that way they are all safe. as you see the sea otter has a very thick water proof fur coat. people used to and still illegally hunt otters for their pelts. usually otters will not defend themselves because they really can't so it is easy for poachers to hunt them. another thing is there really good sense of smell. they can smell things miles away which is good for it to smell its food/prey under water. the last thing is that the sea otter is very endangered and is rapidly becoming extinct. you must help the sea otters. thank you for reading leave comments suggestions and come back tomorrow i am doing the angora rabbit. also please check because soon i am making a new website about places on the planet and why you should go there. so to find good places to take a vacation, check on this website because soon i will write down the website to my other blog. thank you :).

1 comment:

  1. Oh how cute that they hold hands! What clever creatures. How about doing an article about a sloth, i love them! - mum x
