Friday 7 June 2013

weird werewolf skinny pigs

today i m doing the werewolf skinny pig. to start of when the little baby skinny pig is born. it has lots of fur like normal Guinea pigs do  but as they get older, their fur falls out. next, the werewolf skinny pig eats what every skinny pig eats in the wild. GRASS! the next thing is that werewolf skinny pigs live in south America and live in other places but only as pets. the next part is that the werewolf skinny pig is a very popular pet. i do not know allot about werewolf skinny pigs so if you find anything wrong TELL ME. the next part is that the werewolf skinny pig lives in very hot places. this is why they live in dens. they use their sharp claws to dig huge dens which keep them cool in the warm/hot weather. the last part is that the werewolf skinny pig has very bad hearing. so if a predator is nearby, only if the werewolf skinny pig sees it in time will it escape and hide inside of its little den that it dug


  1. What a strange looking guinea pig!

  2. Skinny pigs are born without hair other than in a few places like their feet & noses - werewolves are ones born with extra fur. They do not lose their fur as they get older. The babies born with fur that then lose their hair over time are called Baldwin guinea pigs & end up with virtually no hair at all. Baldwin & SKinny pigs are 2 different genetic results within the normal guinea pig. You should never breed a skinny pig with a baldwin pig........
